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"Contingency Marketing Campaign Would Assure Public That Chicken is Safe to Eat"
CHICAGO ( -- Amid rising fears of a bird flu pandemic, Kentucky Fried Chicken is preparing a consumer education plan to reassure customers that it’s safe to eat chicken.

Although the bird flu virus is not known to have mutated into a form that can spread from human to human, there is a growing world fear that such an outbreak will occur.
China experienceExecutives from the chain’s parent, Yum Brands, estimate sales could drop 10% to 20% in the U.S. based on its experience in China. They recently revealed their contingency plan to a small group of analysts and investors. The program is spearheaded by Yum Senior VP-Public Relations Jonathan Blum and includes TV advertising to educate consumers that eating cooked chicken is perfectly safe.
“We, like others, are watching this closely and have been developing contingency plans which we hope we won’t have to use,” the company said in a statement. “The World Health Organization has been clear that you can’t get the flu from cooked chicken, which is perfectly safe to eat.”
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