Analiticamente Incorrecto
  Publicidade quer conquistar consumidores através dos blogues
"... Para os especialistas norte-americanos do sector da publicidade e marketing, o universo da blogosfera é uma nova oportunidade de negócio. O grande desafio passa por chegar aos consumidores através dos bloggers e, segundo o estudo da Edelman, a tarefa pode até nem ser das mais difíceis, uma vez que 70 por cento dos inquiridos admitiu estar interessado em receber amostras de produtos para os avaliar nos seus blogues. ..."
Estudo da "Advertising Age"
In 2005, Employees Will Waste 551,000 Years Reading Them
October 24, 2005
Bradley Johnson
LOS ANGELES ( -- Blog this: U.S. workers in 2005 will waste the equivalent of 551,000 years reading blogs.

Currently, the time employees spend reading non-work blogs is the equivalent of 2.3 million jobs.
About 35 million workers -- one in four people in the labor force -- visit blogs and on average spend 3.5 hours, or 9%, of the work week engaged with them, according to Advertising Age’s analysis. Time spent in the office on non-work blogs this year will take up the equivalent of 2.3 million jobs. Forget lunch breaks -- blog readers essentially take a daily 40-minute blog break.
Bogged down in blogsWhile blogs are becoming an accepted part of the media sphere, and are increasingly being harnessed by marketers -- American Express last week paid a handful of bloggers to discuss small business, following other marketers like General Motors Corp. and Microsoft Corp. into the blogosphere -- they are proving to be competition for traditional media messages and are sapping employees’ time. (
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